Mar 29, 2018
Welcome to Sesh Cast, a cannabis podcast for cannabis sessions! Today we talk about hammocks.
The weather was great, I was in a rare good mood, had to talk about it man, just had to talk about. Thanks for joining the posi vibes!
Mar 22, 2018
Welcome to Sesh Cast, a cannabis podcast for cannabis sessions. Today we talk about different.
It's the first episode back after the glass bunt extravaganza! I took today to ponder a question that I've been asked a few times over the last month, what does it mean to be different? Thanks for listening, and if you could...
Mar 15, 2018
Welcome to Sesh Cast, a cannabis podcast for cannabis sessions. Today we talk about lighters.
We've reached the end of our three-episode, glass-blunt marathon! Sorry in advanced if this episode doesn't make a lot of sense, but when you smoke a gram and a half before you try to talk about something, you really end up...
Mar 8, 2018
Welcome to Sesh Cast, a cannabis podcast for cannabis sessions. Today we talk about racism.
I stepped in to dangerous territory, being a white stoner talking about racism, but I got caught up on this topic and just couldn't bring myself to let it go. I don't understand the concept of racism, it's just not logical to...
Mar 1, 2018
Welcome to Sesh Cast, a cannabis podcast for cannabis sessions. Today we talk about social media.
Not much by way of show notes for this episode, but since I talked about social media, follow mine! @SeshCast on Instagram