Feb 22, 2018
Find theweedtube.com!
Instagram: @TheWeedTube
Twitter: @TheWeedTube1
Soundcloud: The WeedTube Podcast
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/theweedtube
Find Arend!
Instagram: @arendrichard
Twitter: @arendrocks
Snapchat: arend90
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/alenderink
Find Mac!
Instagram: @macdizzle420
Feb 15, 2018
Episode seven of Sesh Cast, a cannabis podcast for cannabis sessions. Today we talk about love.
Feb 8, 2018
Below you'll find a list of Albums that I've listened to! I'll put down everything I can think of but please tell me more that are worth my time! Comment wherever you're hearing this, or on my Instagram @seshcast! And feel free to email me as well! seshcastgldlx@gmail.com! I'll update this list as often as I can! Thank...
Feb 2, 2018
Episode five of Sesh Cast, a cannabis podcast for cannabis sessions. Today we talk about change.
This is the first episode with some more official show notes! Main thing to be said is that I've been having some recording issues where the audio will skip and cut out. If you hear any strange skips in this episode, my...